Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 23, 2011

New This Week...

Sleep Training is going GREAT!  I am not sure how Nathanh caught on so quickly to what we were doing but he is definitely on the program!  Perhaps how we are putting him down now - awake, rather than holding him to sleep, is what they were doing in the orphanage and so he remembered the routine and caught on quickly...I don't know but it is working wonders!  We are doing the put him down, if he cries then let him cry for 5 minutes before going in to check on him and reassure him quickly without picking him up.  If he cries again wait 10 minutes before going in a second time, increasing on 5 minute intervals.  Saturday night we had to go in twice before he fell asleep and today at nap time we went in twice but both times he fell asleep just after the second check in and all of the other times he has fallen asleep a few minutes after putting him down.  The whole point being to teach him how to fall asleep and fall back asleep on his own.  'Gotta love building that independence!

Nathanh is now able to pull himself up.  He started the week by only being able to do this if what he was pulling himself up on was positioned just so, but now it is pretty much a given that he can do it if he has something to hold onto at the right height.  The part that I have to watch is sometimes, once he gets up, he forgets that he has to hold on...We'll be working on that part this week!

The other new little trick that he has learned is to go from his tummy to a sitting position on his own.  The first about 8 times that he did it, it was by accident really and he just ended up sitting.  But now he knows that he can do this and gets into and out of these positions purposefully.

His two top teeth have both cut through.  His right one first and the left one about two days later.  I am SO glad to have this I am sure Nathanh is too!  What a pain teeth are, literally!  How many more teeth to go?

Here are some pictures from this past week.

sleeping in mommy and daddy's bed (before sleep training began!)

"Come on teeth break through already!"

Snuggling with Froggy

This is one of those pictures that my nephew would NOT be impressed with...I can hear him now..."just because you can put a duck on his head does not mean you should"

Nathanh is not bothered by water on his face or in his eyes.  Our Wednesday swimming instructor says to just just do one or two drops so that they are not scared...this is obviously not a problem for Nathanh.

I just have to say that the electrical outlet in the background looks a lot closer than it actually is!  I promise you Nathanh is in no danger here!

Sometimes crawling backwards makes you end up under a chair...

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