Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Wow, time is flying by!  I went back to work in September and it has been busy to say the least...hence the lack of posting.

Nathanh has been in daycare everyday, thus our days have changed dramatically.  His new bedtime is 7:30pm and I have to wake him at 6:45am, to get him dressed, fed and out the door by 7:15.  I work about 15 minutes away from home and his care provider is just minutes from my school.  It has been going as well as it can be, I suppose.  The first week was hard but it has been getting easier.  Some days Nathanh will still cry when I leave him but it is only for a minute or two and then he is fine and he is always happy when I pick him up in the afternoon. 

Now that we have settled into our routine, I think the hardest part is when we get home after school.  Nathanh wants all of my attention (and I want to give it to him) but I need to get dinner ready and Erwin does not usually get home until about 7:00 so I am on my own.  It is during this time that Nathanh gets really whiny when he doesn't get my full attention and although I have tried easier meals, using the slow cooker and trying to have left overs it is really just a very difficult time.  I hate to see my little one crying and upset because he is just not getting enough of mommy's attention.  And that is when I end up feeling guilty.

Here are some pictures to catch you up.
At the P.N.E.

Reading with Nana
In the Backyard

At the Park

Playing and Climbing

Visiting Mommy at School
Sometimes Nathanh's care provider drops him off at my school, if she is driving by in the afternoon.  He loves all of the things in the classroom...but does sometimes leave mommy with a bit of a mess to clean up!

Nathanh loves bees (from one of his favourite books) so pointing at the bees with a bee pointer is FUN!

Wrecking up...I mean exploring my "days in school" sticks.  I had to explain to the kids the next morning why the sticks didn't match our number!

Math bin counters...another favorite!