Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Well I can’t believe how fast our Vietnam visas came. We sent them on Saturday, they arrived in Ottawa on Tuesday and they were returned to us today! We did not even request the expedited visas, just the regular processing. So we are good to go with visas, now we just need the invitation to travel.

I was hoping to get some updated pictures this week. However, group 7 was not able to see our babies in the end. We should still get some more photos and measurements before we go but it will be a few more weeks.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Moon Festival

On Saturday we celebrated the Harvest Moon Festival at Van Dusen Gardens with other families that have adopted children from Vietnam. I always love these events because I get to see so many of the children who have come to live in Canada with their forever family. It is so encouraging for us to see so many healthy, happy children knowing that soon we will have our own little one to add to the mix! Events like this are one way that we will help our little boy come to know his culture as well as keeping him connected with other children who have been adopted from Vietnam.

This photo was taken at the start of the lantern parade around the gardens. The procession was followed by a very tasty dinner. After dinner the children got to enjoy a skit and a puppet show about Moon Festival Traditions in Vietnam. And of course there was plenty of Moon cake to go around! I can’t wait until next year when we can share this event with our own little one.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Vaccines and Visas

Well got two more things crossed off our list this morning. First, we were off to the International Travel Clinic for some vaccinations. I only had to get one shot as none of my previous vaccinations have expired yet. Erwin had to get two today and he has to go back for two more in three weeks. This is because last time, when he went to South Africa, he did not finish getting the whole Hep A / B series. We also got another vaccine that you are supposed to take orally two weeks before you go.

Next we picked up our money order for our Vietnam visas. And then it was straight to the FedEx office to post everything to the Embassy of Vietnam in Ottawa. So check and check.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Another Photo Perhaps

We just got our Group 7 partners.  So the plan is that while Group 7 is visiting the orphanage next Tuesday our partners will ask to see our little guy.  They will then be able to take some photos for us and ask some questions.  So with any luck we will get a few more shots next week.  I am hoping that they have time to try to make him smile for a picture.  So far, in every image we have of him he looks totally shocked so here is hoping for a smile!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hot off the Press

I just received an email that Group 7 just received their travel dates. Their orphanage visit is Tuesday, September 28th and G&R (Giving and Receiving ceremony) is scheduled for Wednesday, September 29th. I bet they are all frantically (and excitedly) booking travel right now!!

I have been saying that we would only get 10 – 14 days notice before travel...but I guess 7 days notice is possible too!

We, Group 8, are tentatively looking at end of October, beginning of November for our travel dates and have been asked to apply for Vietnam Visas right away. This is getting VERY exciting!


On Sunday we were able to get two more jobs checked off of our list.  We assembled the dresser / changetable combo and after two trips to the hardware store got the valance up.  Here are some shots.

I still think it looks crooked!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Crib

Things are becoming ‘real’ around here!  Last night Erwin and I put together the crib. I think putting together a crib is a right of passage, so to speak, for all parents to be.  And I enjoyed every single minute of it!   After we got the crib together I unpacked and ironed all of the bedding and made up the bed.  The room is slowly becoming transformed.  There is still a lot to do but here are some shots of what we’ve done so far.

I have to say I absolutely love the bumpers and comforter.  They have so many different textures for baby to explore.  There's knit, velvet, cotton, corduroy...and probably more but I can't remember them right now.  Not to mention the cuteness factor!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What a Cutie!

I have been staring non-stop at our updated pictures. Of course, I cannot post them but I can say all of the little things that I notice.

He looks so much older. We thought he looked big in the first picture that we received with the proposal, especially compared to the other babies in Group 8. We even wondered about his age until the paediatrician pointed out all of his newborn features. But now he has really filled out. He even has little fat rolls on his arms and legs! So cute. His colour looks so much better. He was quite pasty in the first picture but now he looks just right.

I have to make a comment about his clothes. When I saw the newborn picture I was quite surprised that he was wearing blue. We had been warned that colour associations don’t exist in Vietnam and in the orphanage the baby gets whichever clothing is next in the pile, regardless of colour. It is not unusual for adoptive parents to get photos of baby boys in pink or baby girls in blue. Anyways, our little guy was wearing blue in the first picture. In these pictures he is wearing an undershirt with a scalloped edge at the neck and it has a little bow in the middle on the front. At first glance it looks white but upon closer inspection it is a faded pink covered with little butterflies. He is wearing a makeshift blue diaper though. It is very large for him (I’m not sure if it is an actual cloth diaper or a piece of cut and sewn fabric) and it is held on by cloth belt tied around his waist.

In the photo I can count all of his little fingers but the photo ends at his ankles so I can’t count his little toes – but I am sure they are adorable too! In one of the photos his mouth is slightly open and I can see his little gums. His eyes are bright and he is looking right into the camera. They are definitely eyes that are going to be hard to say no to in the future!

I might be a little biased here but I am pretty sure I am right - I think he is absolutely and positively the cutest little baby I’ve ever seen!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Three, Two, One

On Monday, September 13th our little guy was three months old. I sure wish I was there to celebrate with him. I wonder about all of the milestones that we are missing and can’t wait to hold him in my arms forever.

On Tuesday, September 14th someone, a wonderful someone with a camera, took his picture – twice!

And today we received said pictures in an e-mail! What a wonderful day it is!

He looks well...but he always looks so concerned...I want him to know that he has a mommy and daddy and a whole big family that are going to love him for always and forever. And I can’t wait to see that first smile. I look forward to putting a lifetime of smiles on his sweet, little face.

If you didn't figure out the title - it is three months old, two pictures and one waiting mom who wants to go to Vietnam now!