Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Photos and More Walking

Nathanh and I just seem to be doing a lot of hanging out lately...which is just fine by me.  Everyday he seems more stable in his walking and able to go further and further.  I bought him a couple of new pairs of shoes.  One for playing and walking in the park...they seem to be a bit big for him but I am sure he'll grow into them quickly.  The other is a pair of sandals with velcro straps - perfect for the water park in the summer but the reason that I got them was so that I could better monitor his toes on his left foot.  They still seem to be curling under, although I might have noticed a bit of improvement tonight...I'll have to pay attention tomorrow and see if it really was a change or just a one time thing.  We have our physio appointment next week so we'll see what she says about it. 

Here are some pictures from the past week.

Just trying on his new shark sandals.

"Why is mommy making me sit in a basket?"

Playing with the shutters at Nana and Grandpa's house.

The soccer ball pictures are for Robyn...Nathanh's future soccer coach!

This is Nathanh walking to find daddy in the kitchen.  Please excuse the last two seconds of the video!

Nathanh is getting better and better at walking all of the time.  He is even getting pretty good at navigating the uneven terrain at the park - although his new shoes have added another challenge for him, as he has to get used to the feel of them as well as balancing.  His biggest motivation to walk at the park is when other kids are around.  He just wants to copy what they are doing all of the time.


Francesca said...

Wow that's wonderful that he is old was he when he started?? so wonderful to see!!

Peter and Kim said...

31 seconds of walking that is so cool. now I don't have to keep playing the 5 second video over and over again. Kinda strange but in some of the pictures he really reminds me of Erwin!

Tammi and Erwin said...

Francesca - Nathanh started walking at 9 1/2 months. He gets better everyday and is really quite stable now.

Kim - I am sure it is the plaid and jean shirts that give Nathanh that "Erwin-esque" kind of look!