Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sleep Update & Swimming

Awhile ago I posted that Nathanh had slept through the night and that I was hopeful that he'd do it again...well here is the update.  The night following his sleeping through the night, I stuck to my guns and did not give Nathanh a bottle when he woke up during the night.  The result was that he kept waking up, thus waking me up and was generally restless all night.  In the end I only got about three hours sleep because he was so restless.  So the next night I figured it made more sense to get up for about 15 minutes to change his diaper and give him his bottle and then have him sleep soundly for the rest of the night.  So that is what I've been doing.  However, last night he once again slept through the night (after a restless patch between 11 and 12 - I think he had tummy troubles).  So my thought is that he will, from time to time, sleep through the night and hopefully over time there will be more nights that he sleeps right through than wakes up.  Really, he is only 8 months old and I don't think it is a big deal that he wakes up for a 4oz bottle.

On Wednesday, Nathanh had his last swimming class for this session...and got his first report card!
Of course, he'll get another one on Saturday for the class he is taking with Erwin - it will be fun to compare! (click on the report card to see a larger image)
I had to chuckle a little bit at the "exit pool using a variety of methods" - he is always in my arms when I climb up the ladder! and the "Runs, jumps, walks or swim changing direction or pace"  - huh - news to me!
Both Erwin and I (Nathanh too, of course!) have enjoyed doing the swimming so we each decided to register for another session.  I'll continue with my Wednesday mornings and Erwin with Saturdays.  Really we just want Nathanh to have fun and have a good experience in the water.  Swimming is also great for bonding and attachment so that is a huge bonus!

Here are some pictures from this week.
Nathanh is climbing everything and getting more and more confident doing it!

A few posts ago I described the "head game" that Nathanh likes to play, tilting his head from side to side and getting others to copy him.  Well here he is trying to get Woody and Buzz to didn't work out so well though!

Okay, you totally can't see it here but there was actually a shadow of Nathanh's head on the floor.  he is playing the "head game" with his shadow...his shadow was much more accommodating than Woody and Buzz!

Pianist in the making???

Two of Nathanh's favourite things...his ball and his cloth!

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