Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Monday, February 21, 2011

Play Date and Polar Bears!

Today Nathanh got to see three of his friends from our adoption group (the fourth lives too far away).  We are finally organizing ourselves to get together more regularly so that the babies can really get to know each other.  Nathanh was a perfect host and shared all of his toys with the girls.  He even let mommy leave his side for a few minutes to fix coffee and get some snacks out!  AND he only attempted to pull hair a couple of times... One day, when he has hair to pull, he will understand the pain that he inflicts!  We had a bit of a chat before our guests arrived that he was not to use the girls as holding posts so that he can stand up more easily...boys!

We had a great visit and I do not know where the time went because it seemed that everyone was leaving just minutes after they arrived.  It was actually a couple of hours later.  It had only been two weeks since we last saw each other but the babies had all grown so much...there were new crawlers, new teeth and new foods to talk about.
Showing Sarah his rainstick.
Sarah, Nathanh, Baby, and Abby
In other News...I ran out of pea pure a couple of days ago but I decided that rather than make more Nathanh should move on to just having soft cooked peas.  He is loving the whole experience of feeding himself and is getting better everyday - I only found two peas stuck in his diaper after dinner tonight!
"Huh, how am I going to get that one in my mouth?"

Loves the peas!  You can just see his seventh tooth popping up just to the left of the other two.
I can only imagine how confused Nathanh must be about his feet.  You see we have so many names for them - they seem to be called feet, toes, piggies (this little piggy went to market...) and polar bears.  Yes, polar bears!  He has two pairs of jammies that have polar bears on the feet and every time we put them on we (I) make a big deal about the cute little polar bears on his feet.  Nathanh has even been caught giving the polar bears a little kiss before putting on the jammies.  Anyways if I ask "where are your toes?" or "where are your feet?" he has no understanding of what I mean BUT if I ask him where his polar bears are he knows just where to look.

Nathanh LOVES his polar bears!

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