Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Erwin's Birthday

March...already???  I can't believe how the time is just flying by. 

Nathanh had his second visit for vaccinations on Thursday.  He only had to get one shot this time and now he is all caught up on his immunizations.  His next ones will be on the regular Canadian schedule at 12 months. 

Friday was a really 'off' day for Nathanh.  He woke up with a stuffy nose, which he has never had before.  Even when we were doing the nebulizer treatments in Vietnam his nose was always clear.  Anyways, that was how the day started, he didn't want his breakfast...Nathanh not eating is a sure sign that something is wrong, and then I really couldn't comfort him.  He fell twice while playing / climbing which is unusual as he is really stable getting around now.  Both times he banged his head in the same spot.  After that I was very close by for the rest of the day and had a few good saves.  Yeah Mommy!  He had two very long naps...thank goodness...two and a half and two hours.  When Erwin got home he was still napping at 6:30pm, usually I wake him by 6:00.  I told Erwin to just trust me, he needed his sleep.  When he did wake up, Erwin could see right away he just wasn't himself.  Oh well I guess there will always be days like that.  The good thing is Nathanh woke up Saturday morning and was happy and re-energized so Daddy still got to take him swimming!

Friday was also Erwin's birthday.  We had decided to go out Saturday night instead of Friday so that Erwin would not be rushed getting home from work.  I did make sure we had some birthday goodies though. 

Cheesecake is Erwin's favourite so I made a chocolate truffle cheesecake.

Erwin's slice...complete with a bit of carmel Bailey's!
On Saturday, my mom came to baby sit so Nathanh was all smiles and high fives!  He sure knows and loves his Nana!  We headed out for Erwin's birthday dinner.  Erwin got to choose the restaurant...let's just say there was a lot of meat involved - not my favourite but it was Erwin's birthday!

Here are some shots of the last few days.
Climbing and cruising the furniture.
Climbing and cruising Daddy!
Those teeth are sure getting big.  Still only 7...I'm a bit surprised number 8 hasn't peeked through.
Nathanh is finding a book for our morning reading time.  But the real reason for including this shot is the jammies...isn't he cute in those jammies?
The sun was shining in through the window and Nathanh was quite taken with the sunbeam.  He kept putting his hand in and out of it and then he climbed the coffee table to get his face too!  Maybe mommy is teaching him to enjoy the vitamin D!!
My their plaid!!  Got to love 'em!


sharon said...

I like how your crystal bowl as has become a dish for Nathanh toys instead of a candy dish...cute.

sharon said...

Great looking cake, Mommy! YUM