Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nine Months Old

Today Nathanh is nine months old.  Time is passing just a bit too quickly for my liking.

It was mostly an ordinary day around here.  Nathanh and I went to visit nana and grandpa in the afternoon.  Nathanh was having no part of his afternoon nap once we got home.  After over an hour of trying to get him to sleep I gave in up.  It was probably for the best because with the time change he kind of had to go to bed an hour earlier than usual and I don't think he would have fell asleep if he'd had a nap. 

The most exciting thing that Nathanh got to do though was have a big boy dinner.  I made him a dinner of all soft solid foods he could eat on his own - no purées.  So he had chicken, peas, carrots and soft cauliflower macaroni all mixed together.  He really enjoyed feeding himself...and the floor!  By the end of dinner he had it, pants...although I didn't find anything in his diaper this time!  So after dinner we whisked him upstairs and gave him a big boy bath in the tub.

Other Updates:

Sleeping through the was going quite well for awhile.  Nathanh was sleeping through the night about 50% of the time.  However, this past week he has been back to waking up for one 4oz bottle in the night.  In fairness, it is not always waking up for the bottle, sometimes he wakes up because his diaper leaks and then after changing him and the commotion of changing his bedding, the only way to get him back to sleep is a bottle.  Tonight at bedtime, I whispered to him that nine month old big boys sleep through the night...we'll see if that works;)

Changing formula...the first few days of the part milk formula Nathanh seemed a bit off.  His tummy seemed to gurgle a lot (and loudly), he was a bit gassy, and he was pushing away one bottle a day.  But this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, he has taken all of his bottles again and seems to be back to his regular self.  Instead of upping to two scoops milk and one scoop soy on Monday, we are going to keep things the same for a few more days but change his 4oz night time bottle to one scoop soy one scoop milk.  We just don't want to go too quickly with the transition.  Even though things seem to be going okay both Erwin and I remember all too vividly the extreme pain that Nathanh was in in Vietnam.  So to us slow is good.  Nathanh's doctors are probably rolling their eyes at us but that's okay!

Teeth...Tooth number 8 has finally made an appearance!  I saw it for the first time last Wednesday at swimming.  Nathanh was splashing and laughing as usual in the pool so his mouth was wide open and I cause a little glimpse of it just breaking through.

Other Pictures:
Okay, I've been trying to capture a shot of Nathanh standing without holding on for awhile now.  The longest we've seen him stand is about 20 seconds.  He seems to be able to stand longer if he is holding something, like he is doing here.
I gave Nathanh an old container and a chopstick to use as a drum.
When he put the chopstick in his mouth I caught myself telling him "no, that is not for your mouth"...then I realised it actually IS for his mouth!  Not to worry he was supervised at all times with it.
This is so typical - Nathanh!  All smiles and trying to engage me into playing the "head game"  I (or whoever is around) need to copy his head movements from side to side.  This is like a test with Nathanh, if you do not participate in his little game,  he will not have you on his 'friends' list!
These are the same jeans I tried on him when he turned 6 months old...they are still a bit big.  They pull down very easily when he crawls and then they become a tripping hazard when he stands!  I changed him after I took these photos.
These ones fit better!  If you remember pictures from Vietnam, you will remember this as the shirt Nathanh wore at the Giving and Receiving Ceremony (sleeves are no longer rolled up).  He also wore these pants in Vietnam...he has grown; they were just really big back then!

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