Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Trying Milk Again

Nathanh has been on a soy formula since the first week we were back from Vietnam.  He was having terrible abdominal pains so our family doctor suggested that he could be lactose intolerant. We tried the soy formula after a particularly bad night and Nathanh has been fine ever since.

However, both our family doctor and pediatrician have recommended trying regular formula again, re-introducing it slowly.  Admittedly, Erwin and I have been putting it off because we can't stand the thought of causing Nathanh any pain or discomfort.  But I bit the bullet this week and started on Monday.  So for this week we are mixing his 6oz formula bottles as two scoops soy and one scoop regular.  If everything is going well we are to increase to two scoops regular and one scoop soy next week. 

So far I am not sure about how it is going.  Yesterday, after only one bottle, Nathanh - for the first time ever - spit up food after his meal.  He spit up three times - about half and ounce each time.  He is also burping harder and more suddenly...I think he is even shocking himself a bit.  He has also refused two bottles.  One yesterday and one today.  Nathanh refusing food or drink is very out of the ordinary!  In Vietnam it took about a week for the stomach pains to start after we switched him over to the formula we brought with us.  So I would assume it would take about the same and perhaps longer since we are re-introducing milk formula gradually.  I hope it all goes well and Nathanh is able to take milk / lactose products but we are worried and a bit skeptical about trying it out again over the next few weeks.  I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

And here is what everyone really wants to see...

Nathanh always wants the blue ring.  If you pile them on again he will come and get the blue ring off...even if he is on the other side of the room!

Our latest play date.  Nathanh, baby and Abby.  With Sarah and Tegan missing, we were in quite the dilemma as to what order to put the babies in - Nathanh in the middle or keep the same line up order.  Baby decided for us...when we said should we put Nathanh in the middle she vehemently shook her head 'no'.  I think she just wanted to be beside Abby who is a bit safer and calmer than Nathanh!!

Train jammies...Nathanh avoiding bed time!
Nathanh loves to climb the baby gate that Erwin installed at the top of the stairs.  All of my photos of him here are blurry because he likes to hold on and jump or at the very least rattle it!

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