Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, March 18, 2011

Go - Go - Go

Time just keeps flying by around here!  So what's new??  Nathanh is becoming more and more active.  Before I thought he just seemed active around all of the girls but the more I see him in various programs with other boys and babies of varying ages, the more I realise just how active he is.  I don't mean it in a bad least not yet!  He can be very focused but he is always thinking about something or doing something...there is NEVER a dull (or down) moment with Nathanh.  To that end I try to tire him out as much as possible...I make him climb the stairs here at home and when we are out, at the library for example, I just put him on the ground and make him crawl after me...he is getting quite good at following me.  But anything I can do to keep him active and use up energy is a good thing!

We have increased the milk based formula in his bottle to two scoops milk one scoop soy.  He seems to be tolerating it for the most part.  I do hear his tummy gurgling a lot, especially for the two days after we increase the milk.  And he does refuse some of his bottles, after an increase but that could be due to the taste difference.

Nathanh went for his hearing screening test this past Tuesday, everything seems to be fine there.  And we are visiting the pediatrician again next Tuesday. 

Here are some pictures from this week.

Out for lunch with Nana and Auntie Jennifer.  Nathanh is quite well behaved in restaurants.  Erwin and I make sure we take him out at least once a week so that he is used to the behaviour expectations...but with Nathanh as long as he is being fed he is quite well behaved!

Climbing up the stairs to get ready for bed.  Erwin is behind him so that I can take the picture.  Nathanh is stable on the stairs but will sit up as soon as he reaches the landing so I am trying to teach him to take a few crawls in before sitting.  I am also still teaching him how to turn around and go down the stairs safely.

Nathanh in all his glory as I have all of his cloths on the floor to be folded!

Just hanging out in a diaper with a cloth in his mouth...happy times!

Nathanh is standing more and more.  He is quite stable now and I have seen him stand for up to 20 seconds.  However, he usually has some place to go or something important to see before that time is reached so he sits down and is off to the next thing!

Climbing and cruising with rubber ducky! 
For Nathanh the best thing about learning to walk is going to be being able to carry things in his hands while he is on the move!

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