Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 24, 2011


It is spring break here this week (and next) so most of our programs are either over for this session or postponed until after school goes back.   As such our days have not had the same routine as usual and Nathanh has had a few appointments.

Yesterday Nathanh visited the pediatrician.  She saw no concerns and was impressed by his standing, pulling up and cruising.  His weight is still low, it has actually dropped from the 5th percentile to the 3.3 percentile...which is unbelievable considering how much that child eats!  But really he is just a small baby and will probably be a small adult.  That being said, when I got home I checked the Vietnamese growth chart that I have and it has him around the 75th percentile for weight, so no big deal.  She said the biggest problem that we are going to have with Nathanh is child proofing...EVERYTHING!  Yeah, she noticed that he is active! 

Today a someone from the Infant Development Centre came out to the house to see Nathanh.  This is following up on a referral that was made back in December.  Nathanh loved her!  There really seems to be some people he takes to and others not so much...he LOVED her so he was all smiles and tricks galore.  He even left my side to go and climb, pull up and get attention from her.  She reiterated that she did not have any concerns at this point for Nathanh.  In the screening test that she completed he scored the highest a nine month old can score for gross motor skills...anyone seeing a pattern here...this child is go-go-go!  Everything else was in the no concerns range.  She did notice that he seems to stand using his right leg only to power up so showed me how to get him to use his left leg equally.  I also asked her about the toes on his left foot, we think they curve under his foot.  The paediatrician said it was something Nathanh would just grow out of as he gets better with balance and walking.  She agreed, but  made a physiotherapist consultation appointment for Nathanh, just to be on the safe side.  so that will happen next month.

Here are some shots from this week.
Outside on the front veranda.  Nathanh is smiling at Erwin, who is blowing bubbles for him.

A quick smile for mom, while waiting for more bubbles!

Hugs and kisses from Nana!

Ta Da!
To work on the words dada and tata (grandpa in Tamil), we have started trying to teach Nathanh to say ta da.  So far he doesn't say it at all but when we say it he gleefully throws his arms up in the air with a big smile!

Erwin made pho for dinner the other night.  I didn't see anything wrong with letting Nathanh try some of the noodles.

This boy is definitely going to like his pho! 

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