Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

First BooBoo

I bet most experienced parents can figure out what happened to Nathanh's was all my fault!  If you guessed a nail cutting accident you'd be right.  I was clipping his finger nails yesterday and at the very last second he moved.  This was followed by a delayed scream.  I felt so bad and it looked so horrible when it happened, it looked a bit better this morning when I was changing the band aid.  But I am most glad to report that when we took off the band aid tonight at bed time it was all but gone.  I am so glad that babies heal pretty fast.  To all who are concerned for Nathanh's safety, I am glad to report that Erwin will be doing ALL the nail clipping from now on.  I have banned myself from ALL sharp objects for a while...really it is just better for everyone!

Even though I felt bad (I definitely owe Nathanh an ice cream cone when he is old enough to eat...that's a total of 3 now Ruth!) I have to say it really didn't bother him after the initial tears.  He couldn't be happier in his exersaucer!

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