Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

And It's a...

...little girl.  I say little girl as she is exactly that - a little girl, not a baby. 

But let's back up a couple of weeks.  We received the proposal June 26 but in an effort to get it out to us quickly, as we have been waiting sooooooo long (way longer and harder this time 'round than with Nathanh), our agency sent it right away before it was actually complete.  Meaning that medical info, pictures, blood work, etc.  all trickled in over the following week.  Then, between our social worker and pediatrician being way on holidays it took some time to formally accept the proposal.  But we accepted last Tuesday evening and got going on all of the paperwork.  Today Nathanh and I went and hand delivered everything that was still needed and now we are just waiting for the Canadian end of the paperwork to come in.  We were told it would take about ten days, so next week sometime. Then everything will be sent back to Vietnam.  It was estimated, about four weeks to get things completed there before we will travel.  We are hoping to travel before the end of summer.  Which would be very good for me.  I say that with my fingers crossed, as nothing about this has been easy or smooth.

Now back to my little girl.  She is about two years old, a bit older than we were expecting, even though our home study said a child up to age two.  But once we saw her sweet little face we fell in love.  It is funny, when I first saw Nathanh's proposal and he was a boy I was taken aback.  I had always just expected a girl.  After about half an hour, when it had sunk in, I was fine with it and could not imagine anything else besides my baby boy.  It was much the same with our little girl.  Once it sunk in that she is a toddler rather than an infant, we were only able to see all the positives on how she will fit so perfectly with our family.  For us, a two year old and a four year old is perfect.  With them being closer in age to one another, I think it will make them closer.  And well, let's face it Erwin and I aren't getting any younger.  We are ready for those trips to Disneyland and LegoLand, if we had an infant they would have to wait even longer.  So in the end we are thrilled!  Really, Nathanh turned out to be the perfect child for us so now we have faith that this match will be the perfect fit for our family too. 

So what have we been up to?  We have been BUSY!  The first and probably the biggest item on our "to do" list was to get Erwin to move his office from the upstairs bedroom to the basement.  Erwin had started prior to the proposal but that really motivated him to get it done.  Once it was cleared out, we had someone come in to paint it last week and all of the new furniture was delivered last Friday.  Ewin and I spent the weekend assembling everything and tonight Nathanh is sleeping in his new bedroom for the very first time. 

Can you tell Nathanh LOVES Star Wars?  Yup, takes after his daddy!
This afternoon I finished moving all of Nathanh's clothes, books and stuffed animals to his new room.  We still need to put up some wall art and finish off little things but it is definitely ready enough  for Nathanh.   All along (for more than a year now) we have asked Nathanh if he wanted to stay in his room or move to the other room.  He has always said that he wanted to move into the Lego Star Wars room.  I don't think he believed it would ever happen.  He has been pretty excited since it started to take shape!  Now I need to clear out his old room and get it ready for a little girl!

1 comment:

Catalyst Of Calamity said...

Congratulations! I'm so so thrilled for you and for the little girl who will be joining your family! I wish I'd known we were waiting together - it might have been easier to wait with someone who understood! It was much harder for me to wait the second time around as well.