Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, July 29, 2011

Family of Festivals

July has come and gone and feel like I never blog anymore...sorry about that!  One thing that I can say about July is that it has been a month of festivals. 

It started out on July 1st with Canada Day celebrations.  We went to our local Canada Day Celebration in Cloverdale.  There was music, food and Nathanh's personal favorite balloons!  When we got there he kept pointing at balloons and making a loud "ughhhh" sound.  We finally managed to get him one and Erwin tied it to his wrist.  He was quite content with his balloon until he saw the PowerSmart beach balls...then the point started again!
Happy with his balloon and new beach ball...but concerned that he cannot get the grapes out of the container!

Maple Leaf tattoo.
 We left the Canada Day Celebration in the afternoon and headed over to my parent's place for a Canada Day BBQ
Reading with Grandpa.
The following weekend we headed to Stanley Park the help Celebrate Vancouver's 125th Birthday.  Unfortunately we didn't plan very well and we just were not expecting it to take three hours to get there.  Traffic was horrible leading up to Stanley Park so we decided to turn around and park at Erwin's office and take the bus in.  The bus got there but it was stuck in the same traffic!  Anyways, by the time we got there, did a diaper change, and figured out where everything was all of the children's performers and activities were finished.  There were still bands playing just not geared to children.  However, a couple of clowns did come around and drop about 75 hoola hoops on the ground so a good time was still had!

Vancouver really is pretty...when the sun shines!
Next up was the Surrey Fusion Festival.  The weather was not favourable for this one.  The ground was so wet and muddy, it really was not very enjoyable.  We did go to a drum performance and Nathanh enjoyed "dancing" and moving to the beat!  There were stalls from all around the world with food, products to buy and crafts for the kids.  We made a point of going to the Vietnam stall and watched a little game they were playing.  Nathanh then got to make the little craft, a pinwheel.  I can't find any pictures of the day...I thought I took a couple...but I guess it was too wet and cold to get my camera out!

Finally, last weekend we went to the HoneyBee Festival!  Nathanh gets all excited by bees and actually found the flier on a bulletin board at the Rec Centre himself.  He gets excited because of a book that we have which has bees in voice may get quite excited when I read him that page...anyways now he loves them and points bees out at any opportunity.  So when we were walking past the bulletin board he started pointing and saying "ummmmmm" until I realized what had caught his eye.  Anyways, it was fairly close to our house so we thought we'd make a short visit.

He managed to get himself a balloon again!  He is watching performers here.

Nathanh quite liked the big "gigi" as he calls everything that is not a dog or a cat!

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