Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Animal Sounds

As the days tick away posting is getting harder and harder.  The lack of posts are in no way reflective of a lack of activity, just the opposite in fact!  Every time I think I should post something, I think "oh, but I have to post that too, and that, and..."  and the list gets longer and longer until I figure there is just no time to post everything. But today Nathanh had a first that I want to remember so I am getting myself on the computer if only for a short time.

Nathanh LOVES animals but he especially loves dogs and cats.  I think he knows all of the dogs in the neighbourhood and visits them as they walk through the park behind our house.  He also loves cats.  Our neighbour has a cat that is often in the park and will also roam through our backyard and from time to time Nathanh will spot the cat and run to our back door to watch him in the yard. 

Nathanh and Casper.
Nathanh is quite good at saying "doggy" and "kitty" and uses them correctly to tell me what he sees.  So for quite awhile now I have been telling him about animals and the sounds that they make and until now I have never had any indication that Nathanh understands what I am talking about.  Today, as we were reading a book Nathanh said "kitty" when he saw a picture of a kitty in the book (one that I had not even noticed).  So when I said "yes that is a kitty and kitty cats say meow," Nathanh repeated me!  He now makes the cutest little "meow" sound when I ask him what kitty cats say! 


Francesca said...

It's wonderful that Nathanh has such a vast vocabulary already...Matteo really has no words yet, just a lot of babble.....hope you record his baby "meow" for future enjoyment too!!

Barb said...

That wonderful Tammi! Enjoy him while he's little. They grow up way too fast, believe me.