Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Formula and "The Force"

So many people have been asking me how the formula change over is I thought an update was in order.

It was going good for quite awhile.  Nathanh was having three, 6oz, bottles per day and we were making each with two scoops milk formula and one scoop soy.  We stopped there for a long time while I introduced some new foods, as I hadn't been introducing anything new while we were increasing the milk formula.  It seemed to be going well and I even introduced yogurt and cheese without any problems.  In fact cheese is Nathanh's new favourite food (or one of his favourites, he seems to have a few!)

Then I decided to make one of his bottles completely milk formula and things changed...not for the better.  He was back to having lots of gas and stomach pain, waking up in the night completely uncomfortable, wanting to go back to sleep but just not able to find a comfortable position for more than a few seconds.  So after a few days and a talk with my family doctor.  We have let up on the increase.  He seems to be able to tolerate milk products to a limited extent.  Really, what we were concerned about was him getting enough calcium once he turns one and we ween him off bottles.  And also, how closely we would need to watch food ingredients with lactose (many infant crackers and everyday food items have lactose).  So knowing that he can tolerate a limited amount is good and we won't need to say no to every little cookie or cracker that he wants or worry about restaurant food etc.

Now Nathanh is having 2 bottles (2 scoops milk, 1 scoop soy) and his night time bottle we have decided to keep all soy.  When he is one we will start eliminating the two day time bottles and supplement his dairy with cheese and yogurt.  And then depending how that goes we might just keep the night time bottle soy so that we are sure he is getting proper nutrition with no stomach upset.

So I know I have to insert some sort of photo here...but looking at my camera the only recent photos I have are of Daddy sharing his precious toys collector's items with here are my two boys.
Daddy letting Nathanh touch his precious lightsaber!

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