Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Auckland Adventures Day 2

Nathanh and Erwin are napping and I am trying to update blog may want to scroll down a few posts to read about our adventures of the past week!

After looking at the weather forecast for the next few days we decided to wait until tomorrow before heading out to some of the islands, as Sunday through Tuesday are supposed to be quite nice. So today we went to Kelly Tarlton’s Antarctic Encounter Underwater World. It was so cute when Nathanh saw the penguins he kept saying “goggy” which is how he pronounces “doggy” so we had to keep telling him that they were penguins. At the end of the day we bought him a little stuffed penguin. I had debated about whether to bring Tiger along for the trip but ended up leaving Tiger at home. So now Nathanh has a new friend and will soon have a new word!

He got to see penguins, stingrays, fish, sharks and a sea turtle! Here are some pics of our visit.

Nathanh with Auckland City in the background.

Looking at the fish.


Nathanh and penguin, new best friends!

After Kelly Tarlton’s we decided to find somewhere for lunch. We drove a little bit further east and got to a town called Mission Bay. It was absolutely beautiful! After lunch we walked around the beach, seawall and park. Here are some more photos...

Exploring the beach...this one is for Auntie Joyce!

Rangitoto Island in the background.
I have to say, I am loving New Zealand. I have travelled a fair amount and although I have seen some beautiful sights and great cities, I have always said “great to visit, but I am glad I live in British Columbia – there’s no place like home.” But New Zealand is different...I could actually see myself living here. I love the climate, the lifestyle, the people. It is very multicultural, like Vancouver but more small town like. Yup, I am liking it here!

1 comment:

Auntie J said...

Ahhh, the beach! It's a matter of time and the boys will all be there together. Enjoying the posts!! Hugs to Nathanh.