Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Bikes and Ice Cream!

Our kids LOVE riding bikes! I think Nathanh first took to bike riding a couple of years ago when we went camping.  His little strider bike gave him a new found independence as he could go ride to our friend's campsite (right across from ours) all by himself.  And Thianna always wants to be just like Narhanh.  Anyways, Nathanh had mastered the strider bike and his bike with training wheels so a couple of months ago we took off his training wheels.  Unfortunately it didn't go so well and after a few days of refusing to ride his bike and crying for his training wheels we put them back on and said we'd try again later.  Nathanh said he'd give it another try when he turned five so we didn't push it.

His birthday came and went and we just got around to taking off his training wheels again.  This time went much better than the first and after about 25 minutes he got it!  After that there was no stopping him!  Thianna had also asked to have her training wheels taken off that night (she has to be just like her big brother:)) but she wasn't quite as successful.  She did a few pedals on her own but would quite quickly lose her balance.

Erwin told Nathanh if he could cycle around our little park 3 times without stopping or falling then they would cycle down to McDonalds together for a ice cream cone.  Well, that didn't take long!  And so they were off.

I wanted to insert a video here but it's not working out:(

The story doesn't end there though... Once Thianna found out that Nathanh got to go for ice cream with Daddy on his bike, she was determined!  So the next day she practiced and practiced until she mastered her two wheeler too!  It was close to bed time when she ran into the house to get Daddy to show him.  He tried to tell her that it was too late to go get ice cream but I quickly stepped in and said we'd just have to make an exception.  I knew her little heart would be broken if he didn't take her.  So off they rode together!

My video won't upload here either, so you'll just have to take my word for it:)

A few days later , with their new two wheeler skills, my dad decided to take us on a bike ride. They rode about 6 kilometres!  Not bad for little wheels:)

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harada57 said...
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