Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Monday, June 13, 2011

1 Year Old!

Today Nathanh turned 1!  I wanted it to be a fun day for him but also not to be too exhausting since he is still a bit tired and not quite himself since being sick.

In the morning I thought we'd give open gym at the Y a try.  It is something that Nathanh enjoys, is familiar with and where he can move at his own pace.
Nathanh was happy to be back in the familiar setting of open gym but I could tell he was still a bit hesitant.  Usually he will wander around completely on his own and explore all of the toys and equipment but today he certainly stayed much closer to me than usual. 
After lunch Nana and Grandpa came by to deliver Nathanh's birthday present.
The box was bigger than Nathanh!

Getting the paper off was quite the task.  Nathanh even stopped for a little break in the middle, so here he is holding his cheerios and tearing paper!
For dinner Erwin, Nathanh and I went out for dinner - Vietnamese, of course.  Our usual, favorite little Vietnamese restaurant turned out to be closed on Monday nights so we found another one nearby that we'd been to once before.  We were the only customers due to the hockey game...Stanley Cup Playoffs for those of you not from these here we got all of the waitress' attention.  Let's just say that was interesting...okay, I'll say a bit more.  She immediately recognized Nathanh as being from Vietnam and furthermore from Northern Vietnam.  She herself was from Southern Vietnam.  She explained all of the physical differences between people from the North and the South and definitely had opinions...and we'll leave it at that.  So although it was very interesting and even educational, I would have been more interested on a different night.  I really had just wanted to spend Nathanh's birthday together as a family of three. Oh well.

After dinner, Erwin really wanted Nathanh to have cake.  We were right by a T&T market so we went in and bought three slices of cake to take home with us.
Nathanh was full and tired by this time.  So really all he did was play with the cake.  I think he might have had a little bit of the cream icing and one teeny piece of cake.
We still want to have an official 1st birthday party for Nathanh but we thought it would be better for him and his little guests to wait until he is just a bit more like is regular old self.

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